
📅 18.05.2019 Played 3497 times 26 votes

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About Agario

Description is the game that started this whole Io Games craze all over the world, making the format very popular, so of course this is a game that everyone can play and so many children want to play, which is why we are very happy that right now we get to share with you that game, and you can now have a tremendous time with it only here, where we believe should be your go-to place for such games, no doubt about it!

Don't worry, as right now and here we explain the format of the game to you, and you are not going to have difficulties playing it! You are going to start by entering your name, and then you use the mouse to control the circle and move it around, with which you have to eat colored dots so that you increase your score and get bigger in size.

Make sure to avoid the players bigger than you, since they will try to eat you, but when you become bigger, eat smaller players and take them out of the game. Good luck, and don't stop here, since there are even more great games coming for you right now!

Game controls

Use the mouse.