Bros Brothers

📅 27.10.2023 Played 3347 times 12 votes

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About Bros Brothers


Bros Brothers has been created and added to our website right at this moment with the knowledge of your love for Mario Games and 2 Player Games, as this one is both at the same time, as one of you controls Mario, the other Luigi, and you go on high-octane adventures you would not want to miss out on for anything, we promise you!

Let's become the best Bros Brothers online!

The two brothers will be controlled by two separate players, and you both need to reach the castle at the end of each level to pass it because if even one of you dies, you both lose. Move and jump with WASD for Player 1 and with the ARROW keys for Player 2.

There are pits to avoid falling into, bombs that can explode, spikes, and enemies, as well as more and more dangers the more you advance, all of which need to be avoided. Instead, collect all the coins from a stage, and try finishing it fast, before the timer reaches zero to have a great performance.

We're wishing you both great co-ordination and teamwork, fun, and we hope to see you stick around for even more great games to come as only here can be found!

Game controls

Use WASD and the ARROWS.