All That Presents Employee of the Month Play the Game The game will be open in a new tab

All That Presents Employee of the Month

📅 30.08.2020 Played 879 times 0 votes

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About All That Presents Employee of the Month


All That Presents Employee of the Month is the first game to have been added by our team in the new and awesome category of All That Games from Nickelodeon, featuring the characters and actors from this revival series of the classic Nick sketch show that we know for a fact is beloved to this day by kids and adults all over the world.

Ed wants your help to become the best employee of the month, which is a title that usually goes to the microwave, and Ed can't stand that anymore. The first thing that he can do is pick a great uniform to wear, so the first stage of the game will be you dressing up in the best version of the uniform.

To get the title he so desires you will have to play several mini-games and do your best at them, doing things like shooting food over the clients to make sure that it reaches them, always getting their orders correctly, while another game is similar to Tetris, where you arrange falling ingredients into lines to clear them and get points.

These are just the two fun games you will play in your quest to become the month's best employee, and we hope that you finish the whole game and have a ton of fun like only here is possible!

Game controls

Use the mouse.