Among Us Hide N Seek

📅 31.01.2021 Played 1394 times 10 votes

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About Among Us Hide N Seek


The Among Us Games category of our website has constantly been more and more popular ever since we started sharing new games for it in it with you all, just like we are very happy to do right now and here, when our visitors are invited to see how much fun they can have with a game such as Among Us Hide N Seek.

We know that hide and seek games with this in their title have been added before into the category, but this one brings something new to the table, has great 3d graphics, simple to understand world and gameplay, and after you learn what to do in it here and now, we're sure you will be able to give it everything you got!

Lucky for you, you can pick if you want to hide or seek, and we definitely recommend trying both experiences, to get the most out of the game!  You will have a maze in front of you, filled with coins, and if you are hiding, you have to move through it, collect as many coins as possible, and prevent getting caught by the seeker.

Choosing to seek will make you chase the other players down and capture them. Yes, this means you are playing hide and seek with players all over the world, making this a fantastic multiplayer experience. To move your crewmate around the maze you only need to use the arrow keys.

Good luck to everyone, and don't hesitate to stick around and keep having even more fun with our new games of the day!

Game controls

Use the arrows.