Battle of Tanks

📅 07.09.2019 Played 1640 times 7 votes

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About Battle of Tanks


Because we know very well that tank games is one of the most popular categories we have here, and you would like us to bring you new games into it as often as possible, right now we're very happy to have shared with you all the game called Battle of Tanks, which we have really loved playing from beginning to end, so there's no doubt in our minds that you're going to enjoy playing it a bunch too. Before you start, we recommend reading this article to the end, from where you learn what you do and how in this game.

Choose the name you want to use, and then click on start battle to begin. You have the main tank that you control, and with the buttons down below on the screen you can see the smaller tanks that you can place on the battlefield, with your purpose being to place the tanks and keep coming with new units, so that you overtake the units of your opponent, who will be putting forward tanks as well.

If you can take down the main tank of the enemy, you win, simple as that. Good luck to everyone, and when you're done here, don't hesitate to check out more of our new content of the day!

Game controls

Use the mouse.