Blues Checkup

📅 27.05.2019 Played 7974 times 49 votes

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About Blues Checkup


In the Blue's Clues Games category we have not had doctor games before, which is why we are excited that right now we get to share with each and every one of you the game called Blue's Checkup, one of the best animal doctor games online you'll get to find at this moment on any website, so get yourself ready for a whole lot of fun like only here you can have. This following part of the article teaches you how the game works, so don't hesitate to read it beforehand!

You will see Blue on the doctor's table, and you will receive underneath three items, out of which only one is right. The doctor will give you instructions on which item you need to select, and you have to recognize it and click on it correctly, simple as that. In doing so, the doctor is able to do the check-up procedures right, which are going to ensure that Blue is as healthy as they come.

That is it, everyone, so in the end, we wish you all good luck and invite you all to try out even more brilliant games like only here you get the chance to enjoy!

Game controls

Use the mouse.