Christmas Factory

📅 05.06.2019 Played 1477 times 2 votes

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About Christmas Factory


Christmas Factory is an arcade game and cooking game online from this category unlike you have ever played before, so we knew that sharing it with you right here and now was definitely the right decision for us to make, which is why right here and now we are sharing it with you here for free, and we have no doubt at all that you are going to have a really great time with this game, just like it has been the case for us all.

We will now proceed to explain what you have to do, so make sure that you read this completely before you start playing! You are going to control Santa using the mouse, with whom you have to take the clients, which are elves, take them to the tables, give them a menu, and then make sure to bring them what they have ordered in time as quick as possible. If you do a great job serving your clients, you get good tips, which should be a purpose for you.

Good luck, enjoy, and don't stop here since we've prepared some more great games for you today, all of which we are sure you will love a great deal!

Game controls

Use the mouse.