ClickPlay Time

📅 10.08.2020 Played 1523 times 3 votes

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About ClickPlay Time


Playing interactive puzzle games online is a really great way of teasing your brain and improving it, because only if you challenge it will you be able to be a better and faster thinker, which is what you will be able to do right now with the new and awesome game called ClickPlay Time, which is a clicking puzzle whose rules and gameplay we explain for you right now.

The goal that you have for each level of the game is to solve the puzzle it presents, and the way you do that is by finding and clicking the play button. For example, in one of the levels, you have to pull out a bunny by its ears from the ground, which reveals the play button it is holding, and then click on it.

On another level you have to move a car underneath an obstacle you have to drag up, and when you reach the road sign you reveal the play button. The next thing you do will be to click on the monster that is different from all the other little monsters on the screen to find the button they hide.

As you can see, interaction is key for all the levels of the game, so if you figure out where to click for each level, you will clear them all, no problem at all. Good luck, and, when you're done here, make sure to play even more of our awesome games of the day!

Game controls

Use the mouse.