Crazy Rush io

📅 07.07.2019 Played 1380 times 1 votes

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About Crazy Rush io


Whenever we get the chance to, we make sure that we bring you new Io Games online on our website since we know that these multiplayer games online are beloved by children all over the world, so having more of them there is always a great idea, don't you think? The one you get to play right now is called Crazy Rush io, and we will now proceed to explain more about how it works, after which we're sure you won't have difficulties with it at all!

You can play the game in both the survival mode or the fighting mode. You are going to move your worm that has a spear using the mouse, and you press the spacebar to rush. Your goal is to hit with your spear the other worms around the map, killing them and getting coins in return, while avoiding getting yourself spiked by them first.

That is basically everything you need to do, so now that you know, start the fun right away, and don't leave, since the day has only now begun, and more awesome games are on their way right now!

Game controls

Use the mouse and spacebar.