Dance Bots

📅 21.02.2021 Played 1217 times 4 votes

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About Dance Bots


We know how much kids already love our category of dancing games online, and to dance in real life, which is why we never miss an opportunity to make this page bigger and better by adding new games into it, especially if they are as unique and interesting as the one you will enjoy right now, a game called Dance Bot.

There will be two robots side-by-side that you can control and make dance using the keyboard. To control Bot 1 you use the number keys from 1 to 9 to dance, and the W, A, S, D keys to pose, while for Bot 2 you will use the same number keys but from the Numpad, and the arrows for posing.

Now, not only can you make the robots dance, but you choose the music they do it to. Your options are the following: Marble Soda by Wasabi when you press E, Hot Dogu by the same artist by pressing R, Down the Road by C2e when you press T, and Happy from the same artist by pressing Y.

If you want to add your own instrumentation to the songs, use M for a high hat, space for base drum, and Z for the snare. Music and dance will combine perfectly in this funny game with robots which is best played with a second player, so ask a family member or a friend to join you in the fun right now!

Game controls

Use the keyboard.