Defuse the Bomb Secret Mission

📅 26.01.2020 Played 1293 times 2 votes

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About Defuse the Bomb Secret Mission


Puzzle games are becoming more and more exciting, and their stakes are rising all the time, as you can clearly see right now when we are delighted to be sharing with you all the new and awesome game called Defuse the Bomb Secret Mission, where just like the title suggests, you are playing the role of secret agent, whose mission is to defuse bombs laid out by terrorists without putting people in danger and having them panic.

You will do it through different puzzles that require solving, and if you want to know more about them, keep on reading this article to the end! First, let's talk about the Regular Mission level of difficulty. Bombs are shown to you, and at the top, you see the order in which you have to cut the wires to defuse them.

Use the mouse to rotate the bombs around to find all the colored wires, and make sure that you cut them in the proper order before the time goes out on you, or else the bomb explodes and you have to start all over again. Each new level gets harder than the previous one, of course.

For the Mission Impossible levels, other kinds of buttons, wires, and bombs are being added, making it more difficult to defuse them, so you need to pay more attention to detail. Good luck to everyone, and don't stop here, since we're positive that you will love all other great new games of the day still to come!

Game controls

Use the mouse.