Dotted Girl Highschool Room

📅 15.11.2019 Played 2304 times 8 votes

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About Dotted Girl Highschool Room


New games with Ladybug are always a really great time to be had, which is the reason why right at this moment we have shared with everyone here the new and awesome game called Dotted Girl Highschool Room, a game that manages to combine cleaning games with decoration games in a great way, as Dotted Girl's room in her high school dorm has been quite a mess recently, and she would really like to put it in order, with your help.

Before you can decorate you need to clean up first, obviously. You will put the clean clothing in the drawer while the dirty clothes you are going to put away for them to be later washed, and with a towel, you remove the dust from different parts in the room, such as the computer, the cloth on the bed, or the bookshelf. The bag will then be placed next to the bed and the teddy bear directly on it.

The trash needs to be thrown away after that, so remove the pizza, watermelon, the popcorn on the floor, or the pieces of paper laying all over the place. After putting everything in the garbage can, with the broom, you are going to wipe the floors, and you finish the stage by fixing the painting, where you remove the cockroaches as well as use glue to mend broken parts.

You can then start decorating, as you use the buttons down below to change every aspect of the room such as the bed, the floors, the rugs on it, the color of the walls as well as that of the ceiling, you can change the design of the windows, the mirror, as well as the kind of painting hanging on the wall.

Do all this and Ladybug will finally have both a clean and a stylish room. Stick around, and have fun like only here is possible!

Game controls

Use the mouse.