DuckPark io

📅 28.02.2020 Played 1471 times 12 votes

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About DuckPark io


While all sorts of io games in multiplayer have been added up until this point on our website, never before has this category had interesting new games such as the one you are about to enjoy right now, a game entitled DuckPark io, where you are going to become a rubber duck at a water park, which makes a lot of sense because ducks love water, and trust us when we say that the experience of this game is a special one.

Now, this following part of the article gets more into the details of the gameplay, so we recommend reading it fully before starting! Ten players from all over the world will be put in a room, the room meaning the aquapark with the water slides, where the rubber ducks controlled by each of you will race.

With the mouse you are going to steer the duck through the slides, having to take the turns appropriately and make sure that you do not fall out of the slides, and if you can hop on the speed boosts in green and get faster, taking over the other players and reaching the first place, that is what you should be aiming for.

We hope that the races are going to be really fun, like water park racing always is, and don't forget to stick around here all day long since all the great new games you would want to enjoy will be found only here!

Game controls

Use the mouse.