Ellie Tongue Doctor

📅 30.03.2019 Played 1838 times 4 votes

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About Ellie Tongue Doctor


All of you who love playing Barbie Games are going to be very happy to see that right now we return to you with a game on this page, a game that is called Ellie Tongue Doctor, which our administrative team has had a lot of fun with, from start to finish, which is why we knew that sharing the game with you here was the right call to make. It mixes up doctor games with dentist games in a great way. Want to know how it works? Find out from right here!

Well, you are going to begin by fixing the tongue problems that Ellie has, because a bad-looking tongue is not great at all, especially for a girl. You are then going to play the role of the dentist and fix her teeth problems too, and it's not at all surprising since bad teeth usually go along with bad tongue health.

For all of these procedures, you have to go through the tools required are at the bottom of the screen, and you click on them and use them just like the hands on the screen show you, simple as that. Good luck, enjoy, and stick around for even more fun!


Game controls

Use the mouse.