Elmore Breakout

📅 26.04.2019 Played 2570 times 36 votes

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About Elmore Breakout


Just like any students would, Gumball and Darwin dream about running out from school and going to have a great day without studies, and they set to accomplish that goal today, in the game called Elmore Breakout, but that will be possible only if you give this game a shot right now, and have fun with it like only with such a great high-quality skill game you could.

It has a really interesting format, and we teach you all about it right here and now! Well, you are going to have to get from one platform to another by extending the wood long enough to get there, but not too long so that you then fall down. The longer you advance using this method, the more points you get.

If you manage to hit the bell with the extended wood you get extra points. When you start, you can only be Gumball, but as you advance more characters get unlocked, and you can have more awesome fun with them! Well, you now know what to do, so give the game your very best, have fun with it, and don't stop here, but make sure that you play more of our Gumball Games as well!

Game controls

Use the mouse.