Elsas Roommate Revenge

📅 28.12.2019 Played 2023 times 19 votes

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About Elsas Roommate Revenge


Elsa and Anna from Frozen 2 might be sisters, but being roommates is not always easy, which is true for everyone who lives with another person since you might have habits of the other that annoy you a lot. Elsa pranked her sister by putting some ice cubes in her shoes, and through this new game, you are going to help Anna prank her sister back in one interesting way after the other, which we are sure you will enjoy a great deal!

Let's see how the pranks are going to go so that you can start having fun here right away! In one of the pranks, take a spider and place it on a soap, so that it scares Elsa when she tries to grab it, and before that, change her toothpaste with black paint so that it gets her teeth all dirty.

Place a banana peel on the floor, and then close the cabinet, which is going to make Elsa trip and fall. Put a horn on the chair so that it starts going off when Elsa sits on it. All of these things you have to do in under three minutes in order to complete the first level and know that you can click on the Hint button to help you through the activities.

In another prank, you might spill a bowl of water for Elsa to clean up, or you can help Olaf for some of your tricks, or use the dog that is sitting on the floor. There are always two components to every great prank, so identity and then do them. Let the fun start right now, enjoy, and leave nowhere, since we've got even more great games in store for you!

Game controls

Use the mouse.