FNF Flippy Test

📅 23.08.2021 Played 5609 times 20 votes

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About FNF Flippy Test


The test games with FNF have constantly been some of our most popular games from the category in recent times, and we are very happy that right at this moment we get to share with you all an amazing new game such as FNF Flippy Test, where we've had tons and tons of fun ourselves, so why would you don't love it too?

Funk at your own beat with Flippy!

As it is customary to these test games when you press any of the four arrow keys, Flippy will make different sounds, as well as perform different dance moves, so create your own song and dance routine.

If you want to see some crazy cutscenes of Flippy doing some of his crazy antics, press the A, S, D keys, and if you want to change his appearance, click on the icon with his head on the left side of the screen.

It's a freestyle game where we are sure that you will create a really awesome song, and have fun from start to finish, something we hope to see you all do right now!


  • Programming by ninjamuffin99
  • Art by PhantomArcade 3K and Evilsk8r
  • Music by Kawai Sprite

Mod developed by:

  • Mod developed by
  • ReddudeXD (programmer, musician, entertainer and artist)
  • miguel185 (artist)
  • MondoMedia/Mondo Mini Shows (company)
  • Aubrey Ankrum (creator)
  • Original Mod

This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.

Game controls

Use the arrow keys.