FNF Miami Meltdown VS Vice Play the Game The game will be open in a new tab

FNF Miami Meltdown VS Vice

📅 28.06.2021 Played 1203 times 1 votes

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About FNF Miami Meltdown VS Vice


One of the newest FNF mods online to have been added on our website is the perfect game for all those fans of the series who also love rock music, since this game is going to have plenty of rock songs on which to funk on, with the game having been inspired by the detective television show Miami Vice, which is why your antagonist is dressed up as he comes from that era of the show.

Help Boyfriend rock on to banging 90's rock songs!

For starters, know that you can play the game in either the story mode or the free play mode, and in each of them you have the following custom songs:

  • Stealth
  • Annihilator
  • Meltdown
  • Gauntlet
  • Execution

Your goal is to reach the end of the songs and turn the progress bar in your favor by having played the notes of the songs at the right times. To do so, when arrow symbols match above BF, that is when you press the same arrow key on your keyboard, and the note is played.

Be careful not to miss playing too many of the notes in a row, because if that happens, you lose and have to restart. We wish you good luck, all the best, and we hope to see more of you, as always!


     Programming by ninjamuffin99
     Art by PhantomArcade 3K and Evilsk8r
     Music by Kawai Sprite
Mod by:

This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.

Game controls

Use the arrow keys.