About FNF Spinel vs Steven
Sometimes, your favorite Cartoon Network characters hop up to the FNF Games universe, ready for an all-out rhythm battle, something that is happening today's well, when Steven Universe needs to defeat the villain known as Spinel, but instead of using magical powers or physical strength, he is going to use the power of rhythm.
Spinel Vs Steven, a gem of a rhythm battle!
This game has no story mode and free play mode because there is only one song that you two will battle out, with the song being called Other Friends.
But, your goal remains the same, and that is to reach the end of the songs with the progress bar towards you, and when that happens, you will have won.
To do it, press arrow keys at the same time as the arrow symbols above Steven match one another, but be careful not to press them at wrong times, because doing that too much means losing the game.
Good luck, and enjoy this game as you always do with this category, with us hoping that you stick around for even more fun to come!
Programming by ninjamuffin99
Art by PhantomArcade 3K and Evilsk8r
Music by Kawai Sprite
Mod by:
This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.
Game controls
Use the arrow keys.