Franks Southern Fried Chicken

📅 28.01.2019 Played 1815 times 3 votes

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About Franks Southern Fried Chicken


While you might have cooked all sorts of things on our website before, we know it for sure that you have not cooked any fried chicken just like they do in the South of America, which is why we are offering you this great and awesome chance to do so right now, when everyone is invited to check out this awesome game called Franks Southern Fried Chicken.

The cooking is easy to do, just like you are about to find right now. Well, start by cutting the chicken into pieces, and then you will make a flour mixture. Add the flour, as well as the salt, pepper, and old, and mix them together. You then take the chicken pieces and pour them into the flour mixture, and then you put the chicken into some peanut oil.

Up next, take the chicken pieces and put them all in the oven, where they will fry, and then you will take them out when they are ready. Finally, you can't serve the chicken just as is, so take some vegetables and put them in the plate, in order to decorate it. That is it, so start having fun right now, and you will surely enjoy this game plenty!

Game controls

Use the mouse.