Friday Night Funkin

📅 23.05.2021 Played 7701 times 94 votes

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About Friday Night Funkin


The original Friday Night Funkin version of this classic game can now be found and play right on this page, with this page offering you all of the upgrades that come to the game, because there will be new characters added, just like the ones that have already been added, and we are sure that kids and adults alike will love each new update to the series!

What is Friday Night Funkin' about?

Friday Night Funkin Games center around Boyfriend, a short blue-haired boy who can only make sounds like beep or boop, who has a beautiful red-headed Girlfriend, but the two of them can't be together that easily, because all sorts of antagonists want to stop them, and you have to help Boyfriend defeat him.

We've got characters like Daddy Dearest and Mummy Must Murder, the parents of GF, who are the main antagonists that pull the string behind many attacks, there's Pico, an assassin, the Spooky Kids, who appeared during Halloween, Senpai, an anime boy that Boyfriend had to face when he got stuck into a dating sim, and then there is Tankman, the latest antagonist, featured in Week 7.

How to play Friday Night Funkin' online?

Well, you have to win the rhythm battles by having better rhythm and timing than the antagonists, hitting all the notes of the song until you reach their end, and if the progress bar is green, you win. When the arrows floating around Boyfriend match with those above him, press the same arrow on your keyboard.

If you got the timing right, you continue but know that missing too many notes in a row means losing the game, so be careful not to let that happen! Good luck to you all, and we wish you all the best, because we already know you'll have tons of fun, so there's no point in wishing for it!


     Programming by ninjamuffin99
     Art by PhantomArcade 3K and Evilsk8r
     Music by Kawai Sprite

This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.

Game controls

Use the arrow keys.