GP Moto Racing 2

📅 11.07.2020 Played 1298 times 6 votes

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About GP Moto Racing 2


On our website, you will always be able to find and play the best new motorcycle games online on the internet, and we make sure that they are as cool as possible, which is what we are proving to you right now with the addition of the tremendous game called GP Moto Racing 2, where you will get to take part in Grand Prix races of motorcycles, from your home, on your computer.

To control your motorcycle you use the arrow keys for driving and balancing, with the spacebar you activate the brake and use it to slide the motorcycle for better and smoother turns, and if you have enough energy available, press the shift key to activate the Nitro, which will give you a speed boost with which to overtake the other racers.

You can play the game in two ways. You've got the time attack mode, where you race against time, trying to finish each course as fast as possible, since you are on the clock. For the racing mode, you are put on the tracks with other racers, and you have to cross the finish line first, at the end of all the rounds, simple as that.

You start out with a basic motorcycle and racer, but winning racers can buy you new bikes as well as new costumes for your driver, so try to always upgrade, as it is fun to race with better bikes. Good luck, and when you're done here, make sure to check out all of the other terrific new games of the day we've got ready for you!

Game controls

Use the arrows, spacebar, shift key.