How to Draw Beast Boy

📅 05.06.2020 Played 2675 times 11 votes

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About How to Draw Beast Boy


You've already colored Raven from Teen Titans Go, so why not draw another popular character in this team of superheroes? Beast Boy is here, the lazy and easily-excited green boy who can transform into animals, and constantly one of the most popular characters in the franchise.

You now get to learn How to Draw Beast Boy in this awesome new game entitled just like that, where you get to improve your creative and artistic chops trying to replicate the character as close to his normal look as possible. Draw each part of his body, and then see the whole result.

Click and hold the left mouse button while moving it on the screen, drawing over the dotted lines as precisely as possible, and this way you draw the character. You can see at the end how well you did the drawing when it is going to come to life, and be animated, moving a little bit just like in the show!

Game controls

Use the mouse.