How to Draw Craig of the Creek

📅 22.07.2021 Played 1220 times 2 votes

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About How to Draw Craig of the Creek


We’ve had drawing games with Craig of the Creek added before into this category, but you only had the chance to draw individual characters, something that is different today, when playing How to Draw Craig of the Creek online allows you to color multiple main characters of this awesome show!

Have fun by learning how to draw your favorite characters from Craig of the Creek!

Well, in the main menu you get a list of characters to draw, so you get to start with the one you want most, and then continue with the others for maximum fun. They are:

  • Craig
  • Kit
  • Kelsey
  • JP
  • Jessica

You will use the mouse to draw along the outlines of the characters, drawing each body part separately, and when they are all done, they come together to complete the character, simple as that.

Try to draw as accurately as possible, so you become proud of your work when the character becomes animated. Enjoy!

Game controls

Use the mouse.