Ice Queen Back Treatment

📅 12.12.2019 Played 1555 times 6 votes

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About Ice Queen Back Treatment


Being a queen can be quite exhausting, and it can have quite a bad effect on your body if you work too hard, which is the reason why Elsa from Frozen, the queen of Arandelle is now in need of back treatment, something for which she went to the spa to get help with, which is where you will be working and helping her with that with the game called Ice Queen Back Treatment, a fun game of which we tell you more right now and here, making it very easy to be played!

You start by using the electric shocker on the skin, as well as a laser gun to remove some of the damaged skin on her back. Use the razor to scrape off the dried skin, and then apply a green lemon cream which you then dry off. Spray some rubbing alcohol on her back, pop the pimples with the tool, and use cotton balls to clean the injuries. When you are done with the pimples you put bandages on them.

For the second part of the treatment, you remove the smaller zits, after which you pop the puss and dry it off with a towel. Remove the bandages, apply shaving cream on her back, and then use the razor to shave the excess hairs on the back. Finally, spray the after-shave, and then go to the spa for the relaxing treatment.

You will place hot spines along her back, massage her with a bamboo stick, apply and then remove a purple soothing cream, and then another white cream to finish things off. It is all as simple and fun as that, and trust us when we say that Elsa will have felt amazing when you're done, so she will be thankful to you!

Game controls

Use the mouse.