Maya Adventure

📅 20.01.2020 Played 1566 times 12 votes

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About Maya Adventure


Today starts off in a great way, with the new and awesome game entitled Maya Adventure, which is going to be one of the best games in 2 players from our website, a game where you are going to help two explorers on their journeys in the Mayan territory, and we are absolutely positive that you will love the fact that you and a second player can control these characters and go on the journey yourselves, right?

Let's move on to explaining how the game works, after which we are positive that playing it is going to be easy and fun, as all of our games are, by the way! In each level you need to reach the exit of the maze by going through the platforms, making sure to avoid any traps or enemies that are placed along the way and try to collect all of the hidden gems you find.

It is important that you two work together since each of you has their own abilities, which you need to combine if you want to get past different obstacles. Player 1, who will be the girl, moves using the w, a, s, d keys, F for hitting, G for grenade, and Q to switch weapons. The boy, Player 2 will be moving with the arrows, uses L to shoot, U to switch weapons.

Now that you know how to have fun in this world, start your adventures right now, enjoy, and leave nowhere since it would be a shame for you to miss out on any of the great games that are still to come here today!

Game controls

Use the keyboard.