Mercado Mayhem

📅 07.06.2020 Played 8554 times 137 votes

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About Mercado Mayhem


Ronnie Anne and Bobby moved from their small town to the big city, where they now live with their extended family, which is the premise of The Casagrandes, the best new show on Nickelodeon, and you can now play The Casagrandes Games on our website, starting with this one, called Mercado Mayhem.

Mercado means store in Spanish, and the game follows the sister and brother as they are working part-time at their family's grocery store, where it can become really messy and crowded sometimes, just like right now, so you need to help them make everything run smooth, and the clients are satisfied.

You can be either of the two characters, as each has specific jobs, and you move them through the shop by clicking where you want them to go. Keep the customers happy by bringing the items that they are asking for you, which is Anne's job, and then have Bobby stock the shelves, and clean them too.

Keep doing these things, no matter how hard it can get, and make sure that the happiness level of your customer is big, because you get tips from them, and the more money you earn, the better. Your grocery store adventures start right now, so give it your best to be the best employee ever!

Game controls

Use the mouse.