Mid-Fight Masses Thicc Sarvente + Reanimated Ruv Play the Game The game will be open in a new tab

Mid-Fight Masses Thicc Sarvente + Reanimated Ruv

📅 16.12.2021 Played 3352 times 5 votes

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About Mid-Fight Masses Thicc Sarvente + Reanimated Ruv


Sarvente from Mid-Fight Masses is back, but this time she is thicc, looking quite a bit different from previous versions, and Ruv has also been reanimated, with this new mod featuring the following tracks:

  • Parish
  • Worship
  • Zavodila
  • Gospel
  • Casanova

See how cool Thicc Sarv is by returning back to mass!

Whether you choose the story mode or free play mode, the way you win is the same in both of them, which is by playing all your notes according to the charts and reaching the end of said songs. To play those notes you press arrow keys at the same time as the identical arrow symbols are matching above BF's head.

Be careful not to miss hitting those keys multiple times in a row, since that leads to you losing, eventually. Good luck, and we wish you all the best, as per usual!

Mod Credits:

Original Credits:

  • ninjamuffin99
  • PhantomArcade 3K, Evilsk8r
  • Kawai Sprite

This is an open-source game, and you can support the developers here.

Game controls

Use the arrow keys.