Minecraft Erase and Guess

📅 23.02.2020 Played 2213 times 26 votes

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About Minecraft Erase and Guess


Of course we are not done with bringing you new Minecraft Games on our website today, which is why you can imagine us being excited that right now we get to share with you all the game called Minecraft Erase and Guess, a game with a totally new format for this category, so we really hope that you are ready for this new and interesting experience that none of you is going to regret anything in the world, guaranteed!

You use the mouse to click on the image and while having the left mouse button held down, you move it around to see the image underneath. You have to figure out what is underneath as quickly as possible and choose the right option out of the four, and if you manage to do that fast, the time that is left on the clock gives you points, the more of them the more time you got left.

That's basically everything you needed to know, so start having fun with this game right now, and don't hesitate to give a try to the other new and great Minecraft Games that our team is very happy to have provided you all with here today!

Game controls

Use the mouse.