Minecraft Runner

📅 21.02.2020 Played 1438 times 5 votes

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About Minecraft Runner


Isn't it great whenever you can find and play new Minecraft Games on our website? We know you really love that, which is why we were eager to start off this new day through a fresh new game belonging to this category, a game called Minecraft Runner, a new running game with Minecraft characters set in a pixelated world, which we have really enjoyed ourselves, so we are highly positive that the same is also going to be true for you!

We will now give you the details on how the game works, so make sure to read this fully so you are able to give the game your very best! The character runs automatically, and you are going to use the spacebar to jump, pressing it twice if you want to double-jump. If you fall from the Overworld you are going to end up in the nether, of which you get out by collecting ten obsidian.

The collectibles you find can be used to upgrade your character, and time your jumps right on the sand to get boosts. As for the points you can make, you get 50 for gold, again fifty for cookies, but also a speed boost, 100 for emerald, 200 for diamonds, and chests bring you no less than 500 points.

We hope you all have a great time with this awesome new running and jumping game, and we hope to see you stick around and play even more of our great new games that are still to come!

Game controls

Use the spacebar.