Mini Putt Gem Garden

📅 25.06.2019 Played 1457 times 0 votes

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About Mini Putt Gem Garden


Not one, but three new awesome golf games online are coming today for you all here free of charge, one more awesome than the other one, so we really hope that you are going to check them all out, since they are fresh experiences, each of them, and if we have had a great time with them all, why won't the same apply to your own time with the game also? From this following part of the article, we now explain how you play Mini Putt Gem Garden so that you are able to give it your very best!

With the mouse you click on the ball, and then draw it back in order to set the course it has to take, and make it so that it enters the put, with that not being all you have to do, but you should also try and set the trajectory so that it also hits all of the jewels along the way. Of course, if you can make that all in one hit, even better, because clearing a level in one gains you more points.

Good luck in all this, and don't stop at this game, since plenty more awesome content is coming for you right now!

Game controls

Use the mouse.