Movie Lot Mayhem

📅 28.04.2019 Played 2658 times 5 votes

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About Movie Lot Mayhem


For a final time today we are returning to the Teen Titans Go Games category, and we're very happy that in it right now we can share with you all a fun and simple game such as Movie Lot Mayhem, one of the best skill games this category has had, and the first one to be based around the Teen Titans Go To The Movies film, the series first movie which children all over the world enjoyed a lot.

As the title suggests, you will be on a movie lot, and you will control Cyborg using the mouse. Props of characters are going to appear out of the lot, and you have to click on and shoot all the people except for the members of the Teen Titans. You receive points each time you are successful, so before the time goes out, gain a score as big as possible. You should shoot the clocks if you want to get even more time.

Hitting the titans makes you lose points and time, so don't make too many mistakes. Good luck, enjoy, and stick around since we want you playing even more games on our website, all of which are simply amazing!

Game controls

Use the mouse.