Orbital Survival

📅 18.02.2021 Played 922 times 1 votes

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About Orbital Survival


Games set in space are always a big hit with children and adults alike since most of us will never get the opportunity of traveling to space, even more so in sci-fi settings and situations such as in the newest action game added by our administrative team, a game called Orbital Survival, which will be one of the most exciting robot games and survival games you have played here in quite a while, trust us with that!

In it, you are going to be a robot on a moon-like small planet, and you move around its orbit using the W, A, S, D keys, and with the spacebar, you can shoot the weapon equipped on it. Flying saucers are going to gather around you, and they are dangerous, so avoid them as well as the shots they direct at you.

Make sure not to get shot too many times, because if that happens you are going to lose the health bar completely and then the game. Instead, you go on the counter-attack and shoot down the flying saucers, getting points in return for each one you bring down, so try and see how big of a score you can get.

If you die, start again and try to get more points next time. Good luck, and make sure you don't stop here, since it would be a shame not to play even more new and awesome games our team has in store for you here today!

Game controls

Use the W, A, S, D keys, spacebar.