Pocahontas Puzzle

📅 19.05.2019 Played 1738 times 1 votes

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About Pocahontas Puzzle


We've never had puzzle games added before in our category of Pocahontas Games, which is the reason why right now we are very happy to be sharing with each and every one of you the game called Pocahontas Puzzle, without a doubt one of the best puzzle games you get to play today no matter which website you visit, not just from ours, and a game which will make your thinking faster and your observation skills better, as it is not just fun.

From this next part of the article you get to learn what you have to do, so make sure to read it fully! Begin by choosing how many pieces you want the puzzle to have: 12, 48, 108, or 192. Click on the shuffle button to have the pieces be spread randomly on the screen. After that, pick them with the mouse and put them back together in place until the puzzle is complete, and do it before the bar depletes completely. You can remove it by clicking the T button.

You also get hints if you really need them. Good luck to you all, and don't stop here, since there are plenty more games with which to have a great time on our website!

Game controls

Use the mouse.