Pro Cricket Champion

📅 12.09.2019 Played 950 times 0 votes

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About Pro Cricket Champion


Pro Cricket Champion is without a doubt one of the most important sports games online from our website that you need to be checking out right now and here, considering that we have not had cricket games online added here before, so we're positive that you're going to enjoy it a great deal from start to finish, or otherwise we don't think we would have brought it over in the first place. For those wanting to know how it works, let us teach you all right now and here, all for free!

Just like in baseball, batting is a very important aspect of this sport, which is why that is what you're going to be doing mostly. Your opponent throws the ball, and your goal is to make sure the ball does not get past you, but instead you manage to hit it. To accomplish that, click on the bat button in the lower right corner, and if you do it with success and at the right time, you hit the ball correctly.

There's nothing more for us to tell you, so you're invited to let the fun start now, and who knows, maybe you invite your friends over here to enjoy these great games too!

Game controls

Use the mouse.