Puppy Dog Pals Puzzle

📅 29.09.2019 Played 2580 times 3 votes

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About Puppy Dog Pals Puzzle


Never before in the Puppy Dog Pals Games category of our website have we added any puzzle games online for you all to play, which is the reason why right now we're excited to provide you all with precisely that kind of game, a game that is called simply Puppy Dog Pals Puzzle, where we have no doubt at all that just like us you will be having a great time from start to finish, because that's why the game was added here in the first place.

For those wanting to know how the game works, make sure you read this to the end before starting! You see the full image when you start, and you then pick in how many pieces you want it split: 12, 24, 48, 64, 99. After the pieces have been shuffled around, use the mouse to pick them up, and one after the other you put them together until the image is complete, just like you've seen it when you started.

Good luck, and when you're done here, remember to invite your friends over, for them to also enjoy all of the terrific games we've put at everyone's' disposal!

Game controls

Use the mouse.