Shaun The Sheep Chick n Spoon

📅 04.04.2021 Played 2194 times 6 votes

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About Shaun The Sheep Chick n Spoon


The Shaun the Sheep Championsheeps are still going strong, and since this series of sports games has only offered us lots and lots of fun so far, of course, we would not stray away from sharing with you yet another new and awesome game to have fun with right now, the game called Shaun The Sheep Chick n Spoon, which is a must-play for any and all fans of this show, and even those who are new to this world!

Just like in the competition where people would race one another while holding an egg in a spoon they hold in their hands, Shaun will try to do the same, only instead of an egg he is holding an actual chicken, and as you go along the course, use the chicken to collect as many stars as possible and get a big score in return.

This is done by having the chicken bounce around and grab the stars from the air, but be careful to always catch the chick back in your spoon, because if it falls to the ground three times, you lose the game and have to start again from scratch. To move with Shaun and catch up to the chick, use the arrow keys.

Now the rules have been explained, so playing the game is now a must, as we hope you will do so right now, and see for yourself just how much fun you could be having!

Game controls

Use the arrows.