Slendrina X The Dark Hospital

📅 18.12.2021 Played 983 times 5 votes

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About Slendrina X The Dark Hospital


The Dark Hospital has been taken over by Slenderina, a classic horror character in the online world of creepypasta and urban legends, as she is the female counterpart to Slenderman, maybe even being scarier than him, so do you think you’ve got what it takes to survive her?

Enter the Dark Hospital and challenge Slenderina waiting inside!

Well, try not to challenge her directly, as you are aiming not to get caught and killed by her, as she moves around the haunted rooms of the creepy place, where she listens closely, so try being as quiet as you can.

Of course, you also need to be careful of other monsters, ghosts, traps, and dangers you might encounter. Use any kinds of beneficial items you find to survive all the five nights that this game takes place.

To move you use W, A, S, D, to use items or hide you use F, T to unhide, G to drop items and C to crouch. Good luck, we wish you all the best, and invite you to stick around for more horror fun in 3d as only we can provide!

Game controls

Use the WASD keys, mouse, F, T, G, C keys.