Snow White Baby Feeding

📅 13.06.2019 Played 2079 times 10 votes

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About Snow White Baby Feeding


We don' think that we have had games where Snow White is a mother on our website before, so we are happy to share with you all right now the game called Snow White Baby Feeding, one of the best baby games online that this website has had so far, where you will have to help Snow White and the prince feed their baby, which is one of the most important parts of taking care of a baby. Don't worry, since right now we explain how you do it, so pay close attention!

In order to do the feeding of the baby properly, as well as the other care acts, simply follow the on-screen instructions, meaning that you have to click where the hands on the screen show you, and step-by-step the baby will be fed, put to sleep, washed, and other important things, and it will be happy. If the baby is crying, it is not good, so try to act quickly on what you are supposed to do.

Good luck, and don't stop here, since we have plenty more amazing games for girls we want you to check out today, all of them totally worth your time, guaranteed!

Game controls

Use the mouse.