Soccer Shoot 3D

📅 02.10.2019 Played 1451 times 1 votes

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About Soccer Shoot 3D


It is always with great delight that we return to the Football Games category of our website, something that you can definitely see right in this moment, when all of you are getting the chance to enjoy the awesome game called Soccer Shoot 3D, a football game that you are playing in 3d and where we're sure that you are going to have a blast, and you should know that you can take it on the go with you and play on a mobile device if you wish to.

Let's see right now and here how it works, so the fun can start right away! You have to try and shoot the ball over the map the farther away as possible. To do so, you have a meter moving left and right and you need to click at the right moment in order to hit the ball so that you get the direction and power to be as right as possible because you then complete your shot.

We wish you all good luck, and when you're done here, don't forget to see what other soccer games online we have here since we have a hunch you're going to love them also!

Game controls

Use the mouse.