Sort It Puzzle

📅 22.04.2022 Played 4867 times 35 votes

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About Sort It Puzzle


Sort It Puzzle is going to be one of the best sorting puzzle games online you've ever played on our website free of charge, which is what we invite you to do right now since it was developed in-house, which is why we guarantee you the best time ever, simple as that!

Sort it to solve the puzzle!

With the mouse you will pour water from one container to another, doing so in order to sort the water of different colors so that one recipient only has water of one color. By simply doing that until all the water has been arranged you will complete the level.

Of course, each of the forty levels is more complicated than the one before it, so always focus harder and give even more out of yourself to finish them, until you will have completed the whole game and have had a blast!

Don't waste one moment, let the fun begin right away, and maybe invite your friends over for a fantastic time as well, they can't go wrong being here!

Game controls

Use the mouse.