Superdoll Skin Doctor

📅 09.05.2019 Played 1526 times 2 votes

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About Superdoll Skin Doctor


We're very happy that right now in the Barbie Games category of our website we get to share with each and every one of you the game called Superdoll Skin Doctor, one of the best games with super Barbie that we have had on our website in quite a long time, and we believe it is also one of the first skin doctor games we've had here, so get yourself ready for a new and interesting experience that you are guaranteed not to forget any time soon!

In the game, Barbie has a lot of skin problems on her face, and you will be the one acting as the doctor fixing them. With the mouse, you follow the on-screen instructions and click where shown, in order to use the products, tools, and items properly, and you will fix the issues of the girl's face one by one until she has the best skin in the world.

Enjoy this game right here and now, and don't forget that there are even more great games for girls for you to enjoy on our website, so we hope you are going to give those a chance as well!

Game controls

Use the mouse.