Surviv io

📅 17.05.2019 Played 2447 times 9 votes

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About Surviv io


Well, did we not promise you that more new and interesting io games online were to be added today on our website? Well, as you can see, we are making good on our promise, as right now we invite you to check out yet another battle royale browser game for you all to enjoy, a game where it is all about surviving for as long as possible, which is actually your role in most of these games, and if you usually enjoy them, this one is a guaranteed great time as well!

We will now give you more details about it, so make sure to pay close attention! Go around the map, find different weapons and equipment and useful items which will help you protect yourself while also defeat the enemies you encounter, with the last player alive becoming the winner. Make sure to avoid the red zone that sometimes appears during the battle. 

To move your character use the w, a, s, d keys, of course, and click the left mouse button to attack your enemies. Good luck to everyone, and don't stop here, since even more great games are on their way right now, just for you all!

Game controls

Use the w, a, s, d keys and the mouse.