Sword of Janissary

📅 24.04.2019 Played 1988 times 3 votes

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About Sword of Janissary


All of the previous janissary games online that we have brought so far into the 2 Player Games category of our website have been very well received, so of course we will continue bringing them to you here for free, as we want to make sure that our website is becoming better all the time, and these games are definitely going to help in that quite a lot. Now, if you are curious about how this sword fighting game works, reading this article is everything you need to do!

Each of you is going to control one of the pixelated characters, one red and one blue. To control the two characters one player is going to use the up arrow key while the other one will use the W key. You are going to use these keys in order to swing the swords, as you have to attack and hit the other opponent. The first player to hit the other one five times will become the winner.

We wish you all good luck, a great time, and we hope you come around here and have even more fun with the other great games we will be bringing you here today, games you should not miss out on for anything in the world!

Game controls

Use the up arrow and W.