Tik Tok Stars

📅 10.03.2021 Played 1145 times 3 votes

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About Tik Tok Stars


Our category of celebrities games for girls is about to get even better since we will now take a deep dive into a new world of stars, that of the newly-made Internet stars that kids and teens all over the world love a bunch, most of them coming from TikTok, one of the most popular apps out there, with you now being able to dress up hugely popular stars from the platform such as Charli Damelio, Addison Rae, or Dixie Damelio.

For each of the three girls, you will start off by doing their makeup, where you get to apply blush in their cheeks, lipstick on their lips, you have eye-shadow, you can change the shape of their eyelashes, and from this same stage, you are also going to pick the haircut you want for each star.

To dress them up you will browse through the various dresses and outfits from the wardrobe, you will get to add accessories such as jewelry, purses, or hats, and don't forget to pick a pair of shoes that matches the rest of the outfit. It's that simple, and we promise plenty of fun, so start to enjoy the game right now and here!

Game controls

Use the mouse.