
📅 13.05.2020 Played 12634 times 113 votes

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About AutoDraw


Online games can serve all sorts of different purposes, with the main one it does being fun, of course, but sometimes they can also be educational. While usually the games are meant to educate the players and children giving them a chance, AutoDraw is an exciting new game where the computer instead learns from you, as it is one of the first and most interesting AI Games online you can play here for free, and an experience you should not be missing out on for anything in the world!

Artificial Intelligence refers to the computers that are being developed and software that is being created in order to make the computers learn and become sentient, having brains of their own to help us. In order to create an AI as well as possible, it needs to be fed information, and that is what the purpose of AutoDraw is. With kids and even adults that draw on it, they input information from which the AI can learn and test out what it knows.

It is done in a very simple way, as well as a fun manner, so let's proceed to teach you how to play this interesting drawing game like no other right now, and have fun like only here you can! You are going to use the mouse to doodle on the screen, and the AI will start the auto-suggest process, with it guessing what you are drawing, and you have to select the right answer, for it to learn.

You use the draw tool for drawing, and you can use different colors with the color picker. You can even add text, using the Type tool, or make shapes with the Shapes tool. Use the fill tool when you want to fill parts of the drawing with color, and use the Select tool for different operations such as moving, resizing, or rotating objects.

You can download and share your works as PNG files, showing them to friends or family members, and know that you can play this game on any device, from your personal computer, to your mobile phone or tablet. Start the fun of drawing online with this AI right now, and together you are in for a great time, guaranteed by this and any of our other drawing games for children online!

Game controls

Use the mouse.