Christmas Rush

📅 01.01.2021 Played 806 times 0 votes

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About Christmas Rush


Even if the day itself is in the past, there is always a good time for playing new Christmas Games with Santa, which is why right now and here we offer you all precisely this kind of game, one called Christmas Rush, which is one of the best new action-adventure games online we have added here so far, which looks great, is easy to play, and you can play it on mobile devices, so here's plenty of reasons to give it a try right now!

There will be a track made up of five lanes, and Santa is going to run on the forward, with you using the up and down arrow keys in order to change Santa from one track to another, from one lane to the other one, making sure to avoid all of the obstacles that you encounter, which usually come in the form of rocks and trees.

Of course, the deeper you go, the more obstacles will you be faced with, to make things harder and more exciting. What you should not avoid are the gifts on the tracks, which you should collect, since they represent your score, and what player does not want their score to be as big as possible?

Game controls

Use the arrows.