Clock Maxportal Dancing

📅 08.06.2019 Played 1285 times 0 votes

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About Clock Maxportal Dancing


We really love it that today on our website we can invite everyone here to check out not one, but three new and brilliant dancing games online, since we want to make sure that this new and interesting category of ours is as developed as possible, so we are making sure that great content is here all the time. Clock Maxportal Dancing is the first of three games this category will receive here today, and this next part of the article explains all the details you need to know about it.

Begin by choosing the character you want to be, and you will use it to enter a dance competition against all sorts of other robots. From the top, there will be arrows dropping, and before they reach the bottom you need to press the corresponding arrow key on the keyboard and do it in fast time because that will be when you will have performed the moves correctly, simple as that.

Get points each time you make a dance move right, and lose points every time you are wrong. Good luck, and make sure to try out even more of our great games coming here today, since they are all a great way to spend some time!

Game controls

Use the arrows.