Diamondhead Shoot

📅 27.02.2020 Played 1849 times 5 votes

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About Diamondhead Shoot


There's no way that right now you would not be up for playing some new Ben 10 Games on our website, and that applies for any other moment of the day, so it is with great delight that right now we can share with you this awesome new game called Diamondhead Shoot, focusing on this alien warrior made out of diamond, a warrior who wants your help to defeat his enemies by shooting them down with arrows of diamond.

It is an action game as fun as it sounds, and we will now explain the format right here, after which there should not be any problems in you playing it at all, guaranteed! The evil robots are coming towards you from the top of the screen, and you have to shoot them all down before they touch you, because if they do, you instantly die.

Instead, click where you want to shoot and aim towards them, taking them down and getting points in return, and you should try and see how many you can get in the time granted for the game, as you are playing against the clock. Good luck to everyone, as now you should be ready, and don't forget to tell us in the comments about how many points you scored the highest, we are definitely curious.

Game controls

Use the mouse.