Dungeon Craft

📅 31.05.2019 Played 3549 times 46 votes

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About Dungeon Craft


If you love Minecraft Games online, you are certainly in the best place for them, just like you are going to be proven today, when we will have not one, but six new awesome games belonging to this friv games category we would recommend to anyone, because if we would not, we would not even dare share new and interesting games with you in it, right? Now, if you are curious about how one of the first ever Minecraft shooting games works, we recommend reading this fully!

First, know the controls, which are the arrow keys for movement, and the spacebar for shooting. You are going to go around the dungeons, where you have to either avoid or defeat and shoot down the creepers, but at the same time, you should give it your best so that you collect as many diamonds as you can and get a big score in return.

After giving it your best at the training levels, start playing and give it your all, and don't stop here, since even more, great content is coming for you right now, all of which we totally recommend!

Game controls

Use the arrows, spacebar.